Dear Members of Gloria Dei Church,
Sunday Worship begins at 9:30 AM! We look forward to seeing you all.
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The September Glorion is now available! You can view it here.
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Watch the Facebook livetream here!
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The following graphic is a scrolling billboard with the most recent information about Gloria Dei events. To scroll the billboard, do not place your cursor on the billboard. Slides will scroll every eight seconds. To pause the billboard, place your cursor on a slide.

Online Sunday Worship Service available at:
or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GloriaDeiLeesburg/
Healing service during worship on the
first Sunday of every month
130 S. Lone Oak Drive
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Phone: 352-787-3223
Email: gloriadeilutheranleesburg@gmail.com
Lutheran Church, Leesburg, Florida, Gloria Dei