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Click the following graphic to see God's love in action at Gloria Dei. 













While worship is integral to our church, God's love extends beyond church doors through our ministries. To learn more, visit our Ministries page.

Be sure to watch the Joining Hands in Food Ministry video and see how many lives are touched by the generosity of our church. You can watch it on the JHIFM Facebook page!

See us in action by visiting our Event Gallery


Our Worship

We welcome all whom God gathers to worship with us. Our worship is always enhanced by new faces and voices. If you are already part of our church family, welcome home! If you are a guest, we encourage you to join us after worship for refreshments and the opportunity to get to know us better.






Upon entering the church, you will be greeted by several members of the congregation. If you are a guest, we will make a name tag for you.

As you enter the sanctuary, ushers will give you a bulletin with the order of worship and announcements. Large print bulletins and sound enhancers are also available.


Once you enter the worship area, please honor those who seek quiet time for prayer and reflection before worship begins. Click here to find more about our worship.


We welcome the sound of children in worship. In the Welcome Area animal backpacks are available to children so they can more fully participate in the church service. There is an instruction card on the outside of the backpack describing how to use each item in the backpack.  

You may leave the backpack in the pew for an usher to return to the Welcome Area after worship. 

We welcome all the baptized to be nourished weekly at Christ's table. As Lutherans, we believe in the mystery that Christ is truly and bodily present "in, with, and under" the consecrated bread and wine. If you are unable to partake of either the bread or wine, please be assured the full presence of Christ is received with each element.